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District Scout Camp 2022 (Archive)

Last Updated: Tuesday 26th April

Additions in Red

It’s back! The Stafford Scout District Camp is a great opportunity for Scouts to develop their skills through traditional Scouting based activities, meet with Scouts from across the district, as well as take part in games throughout the weekend and the obligatory campfire! Based on previous years this has been just as much fun for leaders as Scouts and has been a great opportunity to get to know everyone.

Friday 13th May – Sunday 15th May 2022 @ Sherratts Wood Campsite

Thanks to everyone for your fantastic responses. We have 8 troops attending, nearly 90 Scouts in total!

Organising Team

4th Stafford Scout Group

Darren Hordern & Alex Windows (Vista)


Let us know if you have any questions.

Campsite Setup Arrangements

Sherratt’s Wood Campsite will be opened on Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th May between 6:30 and 9:00 pm.

We encourage Troops to bring equipment onto the site and set up ahead of the event, if you are able to do so.

Please let us know if you plan to set up on either of these two days.

Upon arrival please speak to one of the organising team who will direct you to your Troop’s allocated site. These sites have been determined based on the number of Scouts attending per Troop.

Marques will be put up from 6 pm on Thursday 12th May and taken down on Monday 16th May. If you’re able to assist with this it would be much appreciated, let us know.

Troop Camping Pitches

Pitch Troops
  • Badger
  • Kitchen/Catering Marques
  • Camp Office
  • 9th
  • Squirrel
  • 20th
  • 4th
  • Woodcock
  • 21st
  • 12th Cheyenne
  • Fox
  • 12th Apache
  • 17th
  • 11th

Travel Arrangements

To reduce traffic congestion and queues on the narrow roads in and around Sherratts Wood Campsite, please adhere to the following travel information. Troops must share this information with parents ahead of the camp.

Campsite Address: Sherratts Wood Scout Camp, Morrilow Heath, Leigh. Staffordshire, ST10 4PF.

Arrival and Exit Times
Arrival Slot Scout Troop   Exit Slot Scout Troop
6:30 – 6:40 pm 4th 3:00 – 3:10 pm 4th
6:40 – 7:00 pm 12th Apache 3:10 – 3:30 pm 9th
7:00 – 7:10 pm 20th 3:30 – 3:40 pm 11th
7:10 – 7:20 pm 17th 3:40 – 3:50 pm 12th Cheyenne
7:20 – 7:30 pm 21st 3:50 – 4:00 pm 21st
7:30 – 7:40 pm 12th Cheyenne 4:00 – 4:10 pm 17th
7:40 – 7:50 pm 11th 4:10 – 4:20 pm 20th
7:50 – 8:00 pm 9th 4:20 – 4:30 pm 12th Apache

These times have been determined based on the number of Scouts attending per Troop.

Drop Off and Collection Only

A leader from each Troop will be stationed in the car park at the allotted times above – please ensure you have a leader at the car park to meet your Scouts.

Parents will pull onsite, drop their Scout and their belongings off to you before leaving promptly.

Parents will not be allowed to park and stay onsite.

Once all the troop is present the leader will escort the troop to their camping location, as directed by the camp organisers.

At collection, a leader will bring their troop up to the car park at the times above.

The Sherratts Wood site team will assist in marshalling the car park.

One Way System

There will be a one-way system in place when dropping off and picking up. See map for details.





Download the travel arrangments to give to parents:

During Camp Arrangements

Once again we will be covering lots of Scouting skills, this was great fun in previous years and allows us to show off skills and meet up with Scouts across the district.

Food – All food will be provided, included as part of the cost. Meals will be sat collectively and will be prepared onsite by a team of volunteers. Scouts must not bring their own food onsite.

Campsites – Each troop will have a designated camping area on either Badger, Squirrel or Woodcock pitches. As space is limited, we politely ask that Troops and Scouts respect each other’s camping areas and do not cross unnecessarily into other Troop’s areas.

Activities – Activities will be led by leaders centring around core Scouting skills. We expect all Scouts to take part and try their best in all activities. The programme has been updated, including allocating bases to leaders, but is subject to changes.

Groups – Scouts will be assorted into groups to do most of their activities. These groups will have a mixture of Scouts from all Troops. Please follow the links below to submit the names and ages of your Scouts by Tuesday 3rd May, or email these to us.

Leaders – Organising the running of the weekend is a massive undertaking, we cannot do this without the support of all leaders attending. If everyone helps a bit, then it will be a fun and enjoyable weekend for adults as well as the Scouts. When submitting the names of your Scouts please also include the names of leaders attending so we can assign them to a group, activity base, kitchen support etc. – if they have a preference let us know!

Contraband – For consistency and the enjoyment of all, Scouts must not bring any of the following onsite: Mobile phones, Smart Watches, Games consoles, Other similar electronic equipment, Sweets, chocolate, or other food, Toys.


£20 per Scout – Troops must collect the payments from their Scouts.

Please arrange to make the total payment to us by Tuesday 3rd May.

Payment Reference: ‘Troop Number/Name District Camp’ (E.g. ‘4th District Camp’)

Bank details provided via email.

Troop Responsibilities

Tentage – Each troop will need to bring their own tentage and sleeping arrangements.

Leaders – At least one leader must be present to look after your Scouts overnight.

Risk Assessment – For camping and own equipment. We will provide risk assessment for activities, see below.

Authorisation Forms – Please ensure you have gained the appropriate content from parents for your Scouts to attend the event. Please ensure this is brought to camp and any essential information that might affect activities is brought to the attention of the camp organisers. An example authorisation form can be downloaded below. Please ensure you have asked for photography permission.

Personal Kit List – Please provide a personal kit list to your Scouts, so they know what to bring for the weekend. No special kit is required for the activities, but Scouts should bring a usual camping kit. An example kit list can be found below.

InTouch/Home Contact – Please ensure you have sorted in touch and emergency contact for your Troop.

Night Away Notification – Each troop must have their own named nights away permit holder and should have submitted a NAN form to the District Commissioner before the event. If you do not have a night away permit holder please let us know and will organise for someone to permit your troop.

If you need any support with any of the areas above, please let us know.

Risk Assessments

Risk assessments for onsite activities.

Archived Information

Camp Leaders Meeting

We have put together an outline plan for the weekend, but need your help to make it work.

Ahead of the camp, there will be leaders meeting on Monday 25th April at 7:30 pm at the District HQ, St. Peter’s Gardens.

All attending leaders are invited to join, though there is no obligation.

If you would like to be involved in the final programme and activity arrangements and/or can run an activity based around our theme of core Scouting skills, please join us!

If you can’t attend but are still available to help please let us know.

We will need:

  • A crew to help with meals – cooking and preparing the menu.
  • Leaders to help run bases – no experience necessary we’ll help you understand the skills.
  • Leaders with permits to help run activities – rifle and climbing depending on times.
  • Assistance prior to the date to set up Marquees and activities.
  • Traffic Marshalling at pick up and drop off.

If everyone helps a little bit, when they can, then we should be able to have time with our troops and an enjoyable weekend.

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III