Our Beaver leaders, Otter and Squirrel, are doing a Wingwalk! Support and Donate. Find out more...

Photography & Social Media Statement


Photography, video and audio is considered personal data (when an individual is identifiable) so as with all data it is governed by the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), the regulations set by the European Union, and Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018), the law in the UK that encompasses data protection. For full information on GDPR group see the groups GDPR and privacy statement, the document which underpins this statement.

The following document concerns photography, video and audio footage of a young person during Scouting activities being published via any of the following:

  • Group internally controlled publications
  • Communication channels, such as:
    • Email
    • Newsletter
    • Website
  • Group meeting place.
  • Group social media channels.
  • Group advertising and/or promotional material, including the press.

As a group, we would like to use photos or videos taken during our activities to promote Scouting, celebrate the endeavours and successes of our members. On our Group website, we hope to have many opportunities to use photographs of section activities to enhance the content. Photographs and similar media will not be kept by the group for any longer than they are needed.

It is Scout Association best practise to have permission from every Beaver, Cub and Scout’s parents/guardians before the publication of media taken of your son(s)/daughter(s), whilst undertaking Scouting activities.

We would request that you consider allowing us to use media content featuring your child, though we do understand that for personal or child protection reasons you may not wish your child to appear in published pictures.

Permission will be collected and recorded using the group’s online membership system hosted by Online Scout Manager, the trading name of Online Youth Manager (See our GDPR and privacy statement document for details).

In giving permission, parents/persons with parental responsibility will be agreeing to the following statement:

I give consent for photos/videos of my child to be taken, stored and shared internally in the meeting location, local press, Scout websites and social media. I understand that if I later withdraw consent, previously published photos will not be able to be removed. (Regardless of this consent, the group is not responsible for photos taken by other parties.)

Media taken and controlled by the 4th Stafford Scout Group will only be published on our own platforms (e.g. website, newsletter etc.) or posted on our noticeboards. Occasionally we may forward photographs to other Scouting media outlets or the local press. Where we publish media, we will take care to ensure non-specific captions are used, e.g. “The Beavers visiting the Fire Station”, so as not to identify individuals or locations.

We follow the following guidelines for publication:

  • We never to publish personal details with any photo image that is used (e.g. full name, address, email, etc.).
  • We will endeavour to remove identifying metadata from graphics (e.g. location, comments etc).
  • The content of all pictures will be considered in good taste before publication.
  • We will only use images to publicise Scouting related events.
  • If we inadvertently publish material without parental permission on our website, we will remove it as quickly as possible after it is brought to our attention. (Please contact the webmaster.)

On occasion, it is not practical or even possible to have gained formal consent from every individual who may feature in photography, video and audio. An example situation could be a large-scale event where the volume of attendees is high, and the event is spread over a large area. It is a reasonable expectation that photography, video and audio will be captured at an event like this and that the digital assets will have minimal impact on the individuals in question. In these situations, you should be informed of our intentions with regards to photography, video and audio at the point of entry or around the event area, this may be as visual signage or literature handed out around or before the event.

The Scout Association’s information regarding Photography, video and audio recording at Scout events can be found here.

Social Media

Group controlled social media platforms (such as Facebook groups, Facebook pages and Twitter) will follow the same rules and guidance on publishing images as the website.

The group does not have any control over the use of members social media sites (Facebook, Flickr Instagram, Twitter etc.) that may be used by parents or youth members. Individuals are responsible for the content of their own social media account.

We would, therefore, request that you are mindful of any content that you or your child may post to this type of site and that any pictures that are set in a Scouting context should not bring the Group or movement into disrepute or put young people at risk. We would also ask that you respect the wishes of other parents if they ask for their child’s picture to be removed.

The Scout Association’s information regarding social media can be found here.

The contact for Data and Privacy enquiries, including photography and the website, is Alex Windows who can be contacted via email.


Last Updated: August 2024 by Alex Windows (Section Leader – Scouts / Webmaster)

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III