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This is an archive constitution and has been replaced by the new constitution for Scout Groups.

Outlined by POR Chapter 5 Local Scouting governance and finance – Groups, Districts, Counties.

Read the New Constitution

Group Constitution (Archive)

Purpose of this document: The Scout Association requires groups to adopt a formal constitution. The following represents an ideal Constitution and will apply where the circumstances and the support allow. This is extracted from POR, sections 3.23, 3.7-9 and supporting factsheets.

The Group Scout Council

The Group Scout Council is the electoral body which supports Scouting in the Group. It is the body to which the Group Executive Committee is accountable to.

The Group Scout Council will hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) within six months of the financial year-end to carry out its statutory purposes.

The purpose of the Group Scout Council is to:

  • Approve the Group Scout Leader’s nomination for the Group Chair and other nominated members of the Group Executive Committee.
  • Elect a Group Secretary and Group Treasurer.
  • Elect Parent Representatives to the Executive Committee.
  • Receive and approve of the annual statement and report of accounts as presented by the Group Treasurer.
  • Receive and consider the annual report by the Group Executive Committee as presented by the Group Chair.
  • Appoint an auditor, independent examiner or scrutineer of the annual accounts.
  • Provide a forum for parents, members and other associates of the group to ask questions of the Group Executive Committee Members and Leaders.

The Group Scout Council is made up of and attended by; All members of the Executive Committee, All Group Scouters; Group Scout Leader, Deputy Group Scout Leader, Section Leaders, Assistant Section Leaders, Section Assistants, Occasional Helpers, as well as Parents, Scouts, Cub Scouts, Beaver Scouts and members associated with or invited by the group to attend at the discretion of the Group Scout Leader.

The Group Executive Committee

The Scout Group is led by the Group Scout Leader and managed by a Group Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee exists to support the Group Scout Leader in meeting the responsibilities of their appointment. They are accountable to the Group Scout Council for the satisfactory running of the Group.

The Group Scout Leader is assisted and supported by the Group Scouters in the delivery of the high-quality balanced Programme for young people within the Group.

Members of the Executive Committee must act collectively as charity trustees of the Scout Group and in the best interests of its members.

The purpose of the Group Executive Committee is to:

  • Protect and maintain any property and equipment owned by or used by the Group.
  • Manage the Group finances.
  • Provide insurance for people, property and equipment.
  • Provide sufficient resources for Scouting to operate. This includes, but is not limited to, supporting recruitment, other adult support, and fundraising activities.
  • Promote and support the development of Scouting in the local area.
  • Manage and implement the Safety Policy locally.
  • Ensure that a positive image of Scouting exists in the local community.
  • Appoint and manage the operation of any sub-Committees, including appointing a Chair to lead the sub-Committees.
  • Ensure that Young People are meaningfully involved in decision making at all levels within the Group.
  • The opening, closure and amalgamation of Sections in the Group as necessary.
  • Ensure compliance with the Policy, Organisation and Rules of The Scout Association.

The Group Executive Committee consists of:

Ex-officio Members – Members whom sit on the Executive Committee by virtue of their appointment held within the Group.

  • Group Scout Leader
  • Deputy Group Scout Leader
  • Group Chair (Nominated by the Group Scout Leader and approved by resolution of the Group Scout Council at the Annual General Meeting each year).
  • Group Secretary (Nominated by the Executive Committee and Elected by resolution of the Group Scout Council at the Annual General Meeting each year).
  • Group Treasurer (Nominated by the Executive Committee and Elected by resolution of the Group Scout Council at the Annual General Meeting each year).
  • Section Leaders
  • Partnered Explorer Scout Section Leader (If Appointed).

There is no fixed term of office for ex-officio members. Membership of the committee is forfeited on resignation from the appointment. In the case that the Group Chair, Group Secretary or Group Treasurer become vacant mid-term, the Group Scout Leader can appoint someone to act in any of these roles for a short time until they can be approved by the Group Scout Council.

Elected Members – Persons elected at the Group Annual General Meeting of the Group Scout Council.

  • Parent Representatives (The committee will be made up of at least six parent representatives).
  • Scout or Partnered Explorer Scout Representatives (If Appointed).

Persons nominate themselves, usually after discussion with a Leader. Elected members have a fixed term in office of one year but, have no limit on the number of times of re-election. Membership is forfeited upon resignation or if they or their child leaves the group.

Nominated Members – Members nominated by the Group Scout Leader and then approved by the Group Scout Council at the Annual General Meeting to join the Executive Committee.

  • Group Deputy Chair(s)
  • Assistant Section Leader(s)
  • Group Quartermaster

A nominated member has a fixed term in office of one year but has no limit on the number of times of re-nomination. The number of nominated members cannot exceed the number of elected members. Membership of the committee is forfeited upon resignation from the role.

Co-opted Members – Members co-opted annually by the Executive Committee to join.

  • Group Advisor(s)
  • Group President (Honouree)
  • Group Vice President(s) (Honouree)

Members are usually co-opted if Group Executive Committee believes are suitable for a specific function, often as they have a specific skill or background. Co-opted members can be appointed by the Group Executive Committee mid-year if required. Co-opted members have a fixed term in office of one year, or until the time of the next Annual General Meeting of the Group Scout Council, whichever is sooner, but have no limit on the number of times of being co-opted. Membership is forfeited upon resignation from the role. The number of co-opted members cannot exceed the number of elected members. An appointed Group President or Group Vice President may serve in a non-executive role.

The roles of Group Chair, Group Deputy Chair, Group Secretary, Group Treasurer and elected parent representatives cannot be held by an appointed manager or leader within the group. Only in extreme circumstances may the Group Scout Leader act as Group Chair for a short period.

Where a member cannot attend a meeting the Group Scout Leader can invite another to represent them. For example, if a Section Leader cannot attend an Assistant Section Leader could be invited to represent them and the Section in their place.

No individual can hold more than one of the appointments of Group Chair, Secretary or Treasurer in the Executive Committee. Neither can these appointments be combined in any way.

All ex-officio, elected, nominated and co-opted members of the Group Executive Committee are Charity Trustees of the Scout Group.

Only persons aged 18 and over may be full voting members of the Group Executive Committee because of their status as Charity Trustees, however, the views of young people in the Group must be taken into consideration.

Sub-Committees consist of members nominated by the Group Executive Committee. The Group Scout Leader, Deputy Group Scout Leader and the Group Chair will be ex-officio members of any Sub-Committee of the Group Executive Committee. Any fundraising committee must include at least two other members of the Group Executive Committee. No Section Leader or Assistant Leader may serve on such a fundraising sub-Committee.

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III