Scouts Off-Site Activities
What are off-site activities?
Off-site activities encompass all activities organised away from our normal meeting location at HQ (the hut).
These will either be part of our weekly programme on Friday evenings or as additional events (such as hillwalking, climbing or kayaking) on other days and weekends.
All details for off-site activities will be communicated via email for you to decide and indicate whether your Scout wishes to attend via the OSM portal.
All events are risk assessed and run in accordance with the Scout Association’s Safety Procedures and policies.
How do I give permission for my Scout to take part in off-site activities?
Permission for your Scout to take part in all off-site activities is given via the OSM portal. You will be prompted to do this every 6 months when you sign up to events.
When visiting the OSM portal, please check and action the following:
- Personal Information – check all personal information for you and your Scout is up to date. Please ensure any fields marked with “–No Data–” are populated.
- Scout’s Email – we encourage you to add your Scout’s own email to the ‘members’ box, so they will receive our emails and information themselves.
- Swimming – Confirm, using the dropdown, if your child is able to swim 50 meters unaided.
- Consents – Use the dropdowns in the ‘Consents’ section to agree to the storage and sharing of information and photographs.
- Confirmation – Click the orange box at the top to confirm all details are correct to complete the process. By pressing confirm you are agreeing for your child to take part in off-site activities. You will be prompted to do this every 6 months.
By clicking to confirm your details are correct you are agreeing and will be giving authorisation for your Scout to participate in all off-site activities during the academic year.
Agreeing to this does not obligate your Scout to attend every activity, but provides authorisation for those they do attend.
GDPR Statement:
The 4th Stafford Scout Group will store my personal information with appropriate data protection responsibilities, in accordance with the general data protection regulation (GDPR). Your information will be stored both as hard copies, on paper, electronically using the secure server provided by Online Scout Manager (OSM) and on some secure local databases/spreadsheets. Your information will not be shared outside of the Scout Association without permission. You can view and amend the information the group has for me and my child via the OSM portal.’