Our Beaver leaders, Otter and Squirrel, are doing a Wingwalk! Support and Donate. Find out more...

Recommended Kit

Recommended Kit Specifications

Our Scouts undertake all matter of adventurous activities, our recommended kit list will help them get the most from their adventures.

You do not need to go out and buy all these items on joining. Scouts will build up their kit over their first 12 months.

We will advise which items are required for each meeting and before camping or overnight stays.

Essential Items

Scouts will need these for all off-site activities, e.g., meetings on Cannock Chase, hiking and camping.

Walking boots
Needs to fit up around the ankle and be waterproof.

Waterproof coat
Must be Waterproof. ‘Water resistant’ products will not keep Scouts dry. Ideally, look for products rated 3000mm or higher in the description/ specification.

Waterproof trousers
Lightweight trousers that can be fitted over other trousers during an activity.
25 to 30 litres, with a waist strap to distribute weight across the hips rather than shoulders, this will reduce tiredness and fatigue.

A headtorch is more practical than other torches, so Scouts can use their hands!

Thick socks x3
Especially important for hiking. Scouts may need to replace these regularly during hikes if their feet get wet.

Water Bladder or Water bottle
At least 750 ml.
First aid kit
Containing; plasters and antiseptic wipes.

Essential Camping Items

Scouts will need these items for all activities including an overnight stay.

Sleeping bag
At least three seasons.

Small individual groundsheet/tarpaulin
To put down in a tent to provide insulation and protect against condensation.
Roll mat
For sleeping on and insulating from the cold ground.
Micro towel
These take up less space in a rucksack than a normal towel.

 Nice to have items…

See our knife guidance and recommendations on our website.

Flint and steel
For fire lighting.
Water-resistant gloves
Woollen/fleece gloves are unsuitable for many activities, as they get wet very easily.
Worn during outdoor activities or hiking to prevent the bottom of trousers, hiking boots and socks from getting wet, e.g., in long grass etc.
To put kit into before packing into rucksacks, this helps organise kit and keeps essential items dry in the rain.
Simple Watch
So Scouts can tell the time on camps etc. No smartwatches are allowed.

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III