4th Stafford Cub Pack
Cubs are the third section in the Group, for young people aged 8 – 10½.

Cubs and Beavers with ‘The Dragon’ at St. George’s Day Parade in Stafford Town.
Our Cub pack meets on Friday evenings from 6:30 – 8:15 pm during term times.
The pack meets at the Stafford District Scouts Headquarters on St. Peters Close, off St. Peters Gardens, Stafford.
The Cubs enjoy a wide range of activities from games on Cannock chase to cooking.
Cubs also get to experience camping locally throughout the year.
Join the adventure?
The Cub Pack is currently full. You can put your child’s name down on our waiting list and a leader will be in touch with more information on when space will become available.
Contact the Cub Team for more information: