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Knife Guidance and Rules

Knife Guidance and Rules

Updated August 2024

Knives are a tool used in Scouting and should only be considered or used as such.

We recommend that all Scouts have a knife for use during Scouting based activities and on camps.

Our Recommendations

We recommend younger and new Scouts have the use of a penknife.

  • Our recommended pen knives are from Victorinox, they have a variety of different styles available for purchase.

A larger sheath knife may be appropriate for more experienced Scouts who already have their Knife, Axe and Saw Licence.

  • Our recommended sheath knife is a Morakniv Mora 860 (Stainless) Clipper Companion Knife. These can be purchased from the bushcraft store for ~£11.95 in a variety of colours.

Knife Guidance and Rules

Knife Guidance and Rules

Knives cannot be purchased by anyone under the age of 18. Age ID required.

A handy guide on knife use, safety and maintenance can be found on the Victorinox knife safety sheet.

Our Rules

  1. Only bring a knife to a Scouting activity or camp when instructed to do so by a leader.
  2. A knife should never be carried in a pocket or taken to a location other than for Scouting based activities.
  3. When transporting a knife to training at HQ, a camp or other event, Scouts should have their knife securely stored in the middle of a rucksack.
  4. Upon arrival to a Scouting activity or camp, all knives must be handed to a leader for safekeeping.
  5. Scouts must gain permission from a leader before collecting and using a knife.
  6. Scouts who do not have their Knife, Axe and Saw (KAS) licence can only use a knife, axe or saw under the direct supervision of a leader.
  7. Scouts who have their KAS licence have demonstrated that they can be trusted to use a knife, axe and saw safely and so can use these without the direct instruction of a leader, but must have permission to do so.
  8. Use a knife only while sitting or kneeling. When using a knife, axe or saw, make sure you have plenty of space for working, have a first aid kit nearby and concentrate.
  9. Knives, axes or saws must never be pointed at anyone, thrown, left unattended or used in poor light.

The Knife, Axe and Saw Licence

Scouts who have demonstrated to a leader that they can use a Knife, Axe and Saw proficiently, safely and can be trusted to do so always, can always be awarded their KAS licence.

The KAS Assessment is carried out in two parts:

  1. Practical Assessment – demonstrate the ability to use a knife, axes and saw safely.
  2. Theory Assessment – this is a verbal test on the safety of using knives, axes and saws, including the content of this document.

Full questions and assessment criteria can be found here:

The KAS licence can be revoked at anytime.

The Law

Extract from Gov.uk | Selling, buying and carrying knives and weapons

  • It’s illegal to use any knife or weapon in a threatening way.
  • It’s also illegal to carry most knives [] in public without a ‘good reason’.
  • It’s also illegal to sell most knives [] to anyone under the age of 18.

GOV.UK Knife Laws

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III