Our Beaver leaders, Otter and Squirrel, are doing a Wingwalk! Support and Donate. Find out more...

Group’s 1st Incarnation c.1910 – c.1923

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April 2023. Version 1.0

Researched and Produced by Vista – Section Leader (Scouts) [Oct 22 – Incumbent].

Huge thanks to Hayley Cropp for introducing researching newspaper archives and for finding the initial information on the formation of the Group in the 1940s.

Newspapers extracted from the British Newspaper Archives online.

Thank you to Scout Heritage for providing us with a copy of the Group’s original registration form.

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

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King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III